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WanTuo,Also known as “bowl bald” “enema”, Shanxi is another flavor snacks. Divide white noodles bowl and bucknoodles bowl, with a special processing method of steaming. When eating or to cut with a knife, or to scratch the claw, cut into strips, dosed with garlic vinegar for seasoning, or cold food, or fried hot oil to eat, smooth mouth, delicious abnormal. In the northwest of Shanxi Baode, Hequ, partial Guan and the streets of Dai County, can be seen everywhere selling bowl pallet stalls. Jinzhong Pingyao, Yuci, Taiyuan area to the white noodles bowl hot fry, commonly called “fried sausage”.

The basic information

Chinese name: bowl holder

Nickname: Bowl Bald

Main ingredients: buckwheat

Main edible effects: dredge intestines and stomach, clear dry heat, stretch

Appearance: glittering and translucent bright, pink and white micro green, fine texture

Introduction to the

Buckwheat made buckwheat bowl support, view of the glittering and translucent bright, pink white micro green, fine texture, soft, smooth, delicate, delicate fragrance, unique flavor, Xinzhou regional flavor snacks of the top grade. The bowl holder is also a special snack in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. It is especially famous for Suide bowl holder, which is favored by everyone. It is a misunderstanding to say that the saucer “has the function of relieving the summer heat and quenching thirst”, because the saucer is salty, which is somewhat similar to the cold noodles, but completely different. It is very delicious!


The main material of the bowl steamer is buckwheat, buckwheat is peeled into grits, the grits are softened with water before the first day, the upper fist is put into a paste, after sieving ladle into the bowl on the cage steaming, the steaming steamy with chopsticks once midway. Cool in a cool place, then pour it into a dipping soup with vinegar, ginger, sesame, chili powder, garlic and sesame oil.

The characteristics of

Soft light reinforcements slippery, delicate fragrance sharp mouth. This kind of bowl support is Lan County, Caolan County, Wuzhai County and other places of practice, fine workmanship, with a strong local flavor, the bowl support made, white transparent, nearly translucent, abnormal gluten slippery.


The bowl was first initiated by Dong Xuan, a chef in Chengnanpu during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, which has a history of more than 100 years. In 1900, when the Empress Dowager Cixi fled west to Xi ‘an, she was full of praise after tasting this kind of food. Give a big reward on the spot. Thus, the bowl became famous and became a local famous food.


WanTuo has been neglected by subjective analysis

WanTuo , which has been spread in the world in the form of folk snacks, has been used for at least one to two thousand years. WanTuo  has been used as the noodles in the north, and Lucy has been used as the Lucy in the north, Kong Zhongnan said, citing an ancient work called Yu Pan in the Southern Dynasty (676AD) in A Study on Guangdong idioms. I have never read Yu Pages, but I know it may be an ancient regular script dictionary. It is said that the book is compiled in the “small words are both unique, the main purpose is also lovely, so the five canons three bad competition to open the xun, six books eight body today and ancient special shape. Or the word and xun, or text and interpretation of xun, hundreds of different talk about each other. Book scrolls are especially erroneous, difficult to use and easy to give rise to doubts “. Its purpose is to “the general assembly of many articles, the school to store the prince, in order to become a family system”.

However, the book “union” should be beneficial, but in “school savings” can be lost. For example, according to the “Study of Guangdong Vulgarum”, the pasta called “Bopang” in southern Guangdong is called “Guoguan (also known as Guokui)” in northern Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan, which is similar to the dried baked cakes. Lucy WanTuo  and “thin support” have not been employed, how can it be called “Lucy”? It’s incredible! Lucy WanTuo has been used as a proverb in the Song Dynasty. Wontons and Lucy WanTuo  are a kind of ancient noodle, the ravioli is dumplings, and Lucy is the water and noodles, which are sure to be the same in shape and taste. Now the proverb “dumplings on the winter solstice and noodles on the summer solstice” is also popular in the north. Is it evidence of the previous proverb? It’s not. Before the Tang Dynasty, wonton and dumplings are the same thing, there is no difference.

After the Tang Dynasty, it is clear to distinguish the name of wonton and dumplings. Especially in the south, wontons have been carried forward and developed an independent style. Won ton skin is square or isosceles trapezoid; Won ton skin is thin, after cooked transparent feeling; Cooking wonton is shorter; Won ton heavy soup, and dumplings heavy dipping material; Eating wontons is eating while drinking, eating and drinking at the same time, and dumplings are very different from the way to eat (shape, size, workmanship, ingredients are different). As everyone knows, a ravioli is a ravioli, and a ravioli is a ravioli, which is different from a ravioli. Wontons and dumplings are the same kind, but they’re not the same kind. Lucy WanTuo is Lucy, which has been used as Lucy and Lucy in ancient times, and also different from modern noodles, noodles and pieces. WanTuo has been a unique species of ancient soup cake and modern pasta.  WanTuo has been called “Lucy” since it has been discovered, and now it is different from other noodles. There is no Lucy becoming which has been used as a Lucy. It has only been used as a cousin of “Lucy” in the last 10 or 20 years.

WanTuo has been used as a work since then, and no hands have been used to touch flour and Lucy has been used. The work has been neither slabs nor strips, and the shape is very similar to the “earth worms” described by Pu Songling.  WanTuo has been little recorded in historical records, but Lucy (Lucy, Baozheng, Wuji and Fuyi) has frequently appeared in Dunhuang documents. Lucy 饦 has been used as a Lucy, and a spoon has been first sucked into the mouth, as described in Dunhuang literature, which is vivid and appropriate. Lucy (known as Huo) has been used to describe the general practice and shape of Lou WanTuo. “A spoon in the mouth has been used, and the work has been described as the best utensils and shape used.

WanTuo  in the literature of Dunhuang has not been used as a concept, nor has it been used as some noodles, such as dumplings, noodles and noodles, and it should be closely related to the local people’s life. Lucy WanTuo, as recorded in Dunhuang documents, has been used as a Lucy which has been widely used in people’s homes on the Loess Plateau.

Extraordinary nonsense, coincidentally, everywhere! WanTuo has been used as Lucy, and all the noodles cooked in the pan and processed have been employed. Lucy WanTuo has been regarded as “iron leaf” and “cake”.

WanTuo has been said, “WanTuo is an uneven bucknoodles and a bowl off”. WanTuo has been said, “Lucy is very wide noodles”. WanTuo , also known as Lucy, has been used as a work from a school of research. More far-fetched: ‘Ancient people called noodles “butuo”, which means to cut bread or pieces of flour directly into strips with a knife and then cook them, without holding them in the palm of your hand,’ they said. Making noodles is a real work, not an abstract imagination. Excuse me, whether it is ancient or modern, can noodles be done without palm holding it? Also, how many varieties of pasta are there that “use a knife to cut bread or dough slices directly into strips”? Can you count it? Lucy has been used as the work of “WanTuo “, and Lucy has been used as the work.

They said: ‘In ancient times, making soup cakes is to hold noodles with one hand, tear noodles with the other hand, press flat in the pot and put it into the water, so it is also called’  ‘. Lucy has been used as a work since then, and now a rolling pin has been used no longer, so it has been called “buto”, and also written as “WanTuo “. WanTuo has now been turned into noodles. Lucy has been used to interpret “Tuo”, “WanTuo “, “Butuo” and “Lucy” as the same word meaning by using ancient and modern Chinese words? Lucy has been used as the Lucy and “Butuo” have been confused as Lucy. WanTuo has become noodles and watermelon has become loofah, is it a fantasy or a dream? It’s a miracle, and will it last for thousands of years? Is a dream, the dream can wake up? Finally, the tape tells you in dialect: to roll the dough into a piece with a rolling pin, that is called “tuokai (noodles)”; To roll the dough into a sheet without a rolling pin is called “without holding (dough)”.

WanTuo has been my best work, and it has been a local folk pasta with unique style and exquisite work. WanTuo has been used as the best diet for frail patients, the elderly and children, with soft, delicate and smooth taste, balanced nutrition and excellent digestion. As for “butuo” pasta, I used to eat a lot of it in the countryside in the mountainous area more than 40 years ago because of the severe shortage of materials, but I haven’t seen it since I went back to work in the city. “Bowl support”, only in the “Shanxi Wuxiang Eighth Route Army Taihang Memorial Hall” next to eat once! WanTuo has been used as a work? Lucy has been employed as a work and Lucy Tang has been compiled from the work “WanTuo ” published by me. Lucy has been employed as a work.