Par 4,475 Y on the fifth hole


前九洞难度系数最高的四杆洞不是浪得虚名的。高低错落的沙漠植被簇拥着球道,坐等不同水平的球手各显神通。长打球手,不妨沿球道左侧飞越沙地落上球道,获取最佳击球路线; 稳妥打者可对着球道中央开球。无论你是什么差点,调皮的沙漠为你准备了一个玩笑吧: 果岭右侧及后侧斜坡陡峻,小白球随时会加速滚动,渐行渐远。别怪我没提醒你哦。

It’s well deserved for being called as the most difficulty hole in the front nine. The fairway is surrounded by scattered desert vegetation with different heights, waiting quietly for players with different levels to show their magic. A long hitter can try to fly over the bunker on the left side of the fairway to get the best route to the green, while a safer choice is just aiming the middle of the fairway. No matter what your handicap is, a joke has been set up for you by the naughty nature: the slopes on the right and rear side of the green are so steep that the little white ball will accelerate and roll away at any moment. Don’t blame me for not reminding you about it.